BAR Services have provided an essential checklist for moving house. Make sure that you don’t forget anything important on your moving day by ticking the boxes as you complete each task. It may be easier to print the checklist off and highlight a task once it is complete.
Arrange visit of estimator and discuss all aspects of your move
Receive and consider written quotation
Select mover by returning signed acceptance
Confirm dates with your BAR mover
Sign and return contract and pay the charges
Advise the moving company about parking restriction at both addresses
Organise a contact number and give this to your mover in advance of your move
Dispose of anything you don’t want
Run down freezer contents
Contact carpet fitters if needed
Book mains services for disconnections
Cancel all rental agreements
Notify your doctor, dentist, optician and vet
Notify your banks, credit card and insurance companies
Notify your telephone company and ISP
Arrange to re-route mail
Notify TV Licence, passport, car licence and registration offices[/dt_list_item image=""] Notify all your creditors
Clear out the loft
Provide your mover with maps of your current and new addresses
Give your mover a spare key to your new residence
Plan where things will go in your new home
Arrange minders to look after pets and very young children on the moving day
Find and label keys for your purchaser
Send change of address cards to friends/relatives
Separate valuable items and important documents ready for you to hand-carry on moving day
Take down any light fittings
Pack your box of essentials for your journey and when you first arrive
Take a deep breathe and enjoy!